Thursday, September 25, 2008

Launching Ourselves Towards Linear Equations

This marks the fifth time students are asked to conduct an independent study of sorts. They are asked to read through pages introducing linear equations and demonstrating representative examples. Based on their reading, they will then try out problem sets to assess their absorption and understanding of material.

Home Nugget #13
Assigned on Thursday September 25, 2008
Due on Friday September 26, 2008

From Algebra 1 text,
Pages 66 and 67 # 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10

Then read pages 70 - 73 paying particular attention to highlighted terms and examples.

On page 73 # 1 - 12 and page 74 # 19 - 24

1 pt: all problems completed
1 pt: presentation does not detract from content
2 pts: evidence/explanations provided for pertinent problems