Friday, March 6, 2009

Stepping into Term 4 of the 2008-2009 School Year

Home Nugget #1 of the 4th term
Due on Monday March 9, 2009

Part 1:
Students were extended the opportunity to make a second attempt at open-response questions 9 and 22 from the 2008 Math MCAS, given the paucity of quality lessons shown on Friday. The concept is to do all work on a separate sheet of paper and provide answers and explanations that are palatable to a fellow classmate, such that they can assess the work according to exemplars that will be shown in class. We ARE NOT intending to blindly solve loads of MCAS problems, rather are trying to diagnose where we should focus our attention in order to perform.

Part 2:
We must continue to invest in our daily class notes as the primary tool for reflecting on content that we grapple with daily. This past Friday we delved into Chapter 8 lesson 1, not by opening the textbook and passively accepting pre-packaged content, but rather reaffirming that we are on the path to exploring exponential and quadratic relationships and acknowledging that we are in need of an expanded skill set in order to do so.

Part of this skill set includes deconstructing much of what we did in Chapter 7, which was taking factored expressions and expanding them. We now seek to do essentially the opposite. The conversation on Friday included an exploration into what the criteria are for prime and composite number and what is meant by the prime factorization of a number. In some classes, we got so far as trying to figure out the prime factorization of a monomial. It cannot be overstated: your class notes should describe all the conversation, debate, observations and connections that were made in class. This forced reflection is an essential skill in the process of learning and we will continue to harp on this theme.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Last Home Nugget of the 3rd Term

Home Nugget #28 of the 3rd term
Assigned on Thursday March 5, 2009
Due on Friday March 6, 2009

From 2008 8th grade Math MCAS, two open response questions from session 1. Problems 9 and 22. Be certain to do all work on separate sheet of paper and in such a fashion that a classmate will be able to assess your work according to exemplars shown in class tomorrow.


Cornell Notes were not collected in class today such that you could focus entirely on your test. They will be collected tomorrow for certain.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

One Last Push Prior to the Last Summative Test of the 3rd Term

Home Nugget #27 of the 3rd term
Assigned on Wednesday March 4, 2009
Due on Thursday March 5, 2009

Depending on what homeroom you are in, you are either solving problems from a sheet titled Form B or C Chapter 7 test. Both sheets are immensely valuable tools for anticipating potential test questions tomorrow.


A guide was provided in class on Tuesday on how to improve and make good use of your daily class notes. It is highly recommended that at the very least, you make sure to have responded to all questions from the guide in your class notes. One day's worth of notes will be collected on Thursday of this week and graded as a test.

2 points: all problems completed in their entirety. Your effort at the end of the lesson is as evident as at the start.
2 points: evidence/explanations for your thought/solution process is provided for ALL pertinent problems.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Putting the Puzzle Together - What Were the Overarching Themes of Chapter 7?

Home Nugget #26 of the 3rd term
Assigned on Tuesday March 3, 2009
Due on Wednesday March 4, 2009

In Algebra I book:

Page 415 # 1 - 25

Page 417 # 1 - 10


A guide was provided in class today on how to improve and make good use of your daily class notes. It is highly recommended that at the very least, you make sure to have responded to all questions from the guide in your class notes. One day's worth of notes will be collected on Thursday of this week and graded as a test.

2 points: all problems completed in their entirety. Your effort at the end of the lesson is as evident as at the start.
2 points: evidence/explanations for your thought/solution process is provided for ALL pertinent problems.