Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Functions and Graphs

The last section in our first unit, chapter 1-9, allows us to revisit both familiar and novel concepts. Students are reminded that graphing on a coordinate grid is an involved process which incorporates number sense and strategic planning and they are introduced to terms like continuous and discrete functions that invite them to think more carefully about interpreting graphs.

Tonight's home nugget focuses exclusively on reviewing for our upcoming Test #1 and is summative in nature. 

Home Nugget #11
Assigned on Tuesday September 23, 2008
Due on Wednesday September 24, 2008

From Algebra 1 text,
Pages 63 and 64 # 43 - 53 and #54 - 63
Page 66 and 67 # 1 - 10

2 points: evidence/explanations provided for all pertinent problems
1 point: all problems completed
1 point: your presentation/format DO NOT detract from the content presented