- place value and the logic behind rounding off numbers
- whether the Distributive Property can be applied to finding the square root of fractions (is finding the square root of a fraction the same as finding the roots of its numerator and denominator separately - the answer is YES.
- evaluating our true understanding of prerequisite skills/topic like the Pythagorean Theorem
I also shared with students the idea that we should acknowledge our strengths in regards to the first chapter and view our few areas of weakness, not in terms of remediation, but rather reflection. It was agreed that the following topics are ones requiring attention:
Sequential Topics for Further Thought
1. Translating accurately between verbal and algebraic expressions
2. Notation of ‘greater than OR equal to’ and its impact on solutions
3. Wording of math properties: identity vs. equality, the distinction between reflexive and symmetric
4. Using the distributive property to simplify operations and to simplify expressions by ‘sharing equally’
5. Telling the difference between appropriate use of commutative vs. associative property
6. How counterexamples entail keeping the hypothesis true and making the conclusion false in order to sabotage the original conditional statement
7. Using the inside-out method to classify numbers according to a particular number system
8. Deciding whether a set of numbers is closed for a particular operation
9. Identifying functions and the terms within the topic (domain, range, discrete and continuous)
Home Nugget #12
Assigned on Wednesday September 24, 2008
Due on Thursday September 25, 2008
In Algebra 1 text
Pages 717 - 719 have practice exercises for sections 1-1 to 1-9 of the book. Students should complete as many of these problems as needed to feel confident and competent about the content contained.
There are no FCAs for this lesson as it is completed entirely at the discretion of individual students.