Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Revisiting Chapters 2-1, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7 and 2-8

In order to avoid end-of-the-year panic and procrastination, we are beginning the practice/review process now to keep concepts fresh in our minds and accessible for our use. These lessons play an integral role in your ability to keep the big math picture in mind and should be investigated with as much focus and effort as possible.

Remember that CLASS CHALLENGE #8 this week is awarded to the class producing the most home nugget exemplars. Try to have your nugget be a part of this group.

Home Nugget #15 of the 4th Term
Assigned on Tuesday March 31, 2009
Due on Thursday April 2, 2009 (because there is an all-day field trip on Wednesday)

In Algebra I text,
Page 720 lesson 2-1 # 3 - 9
Page 721 lesson 2-5 # 3 - 10, 15 - 19
lesson 2-6 # 13 - 17
Page 722 lesson 27 # 4 - 9
lesson 2-8 # 4 - 7

2 points: all problems completed in their entirety. Your effort at the end of the lesson is as evident as at the start.
2 points: evidence/explanations for your thought/solution process is provided for ALL pertinent problems.