Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Open Sentences and Terms like Replacement Sets, Solution Sets and Elements

One of our inquiries today had us investigating a hypothetical student's home nugget grades, where on the surface of things, it appeared that the student was faring well overall. However, once we actually calculated the mean, it quickly become evident that the average was a 60%. I wished for students to take home the following messages from this exercise:

1. You cannot afford to miss any home nugget lessons because it is too severe a blow to the overall home nugget average.

2. You cannot afford any grade lower than a 3.

Students are also reminded that they should be working on their class notes every single night for a two-fold purpose:

A. Reviewing and commenting on the notes is a process of reflection and lets you really digest content in a meaningful way.

B. The class notes will be periodically collected and graded as a quiz score.

Home Nugget #5
Assigned on Wednesday September 16, 2009
Due on Thursday September 17, 2009

In Algebra I textbook,

Read pages 15 - 17

Then solve:

Page 18 # 12, 13, 15, 21

Page 19 # 41

Pag 20 # 64 - 67

2 points: all problems completed
2 points: evidence/explanations provided for all problems