Today's quiz was reflective of many of our future class assessments in that it was entirely open-response and based primarily on topics/problems that appear in the students class notes. This weekend, students are asked to return to working out more SAT problems, all having to do with integers and number sense, with the intention of strengthening our overall reasoning ability, an often neglected quality in mathematics classes.
Ask students about their comfort level with today's quiz. It is likely that those students who worked on their class notes nightly found questions to be at least familiar. This is done intentionally! STUDENTS MUST WORK ON THEIR CLASS NOTES NIGHTLY!
One useful exercise is to take a problem we worked out in class and 're-invent' it at home to see if you can still solve it, even with the values being altered.
At the end of next week, families should expect that I will post current first term grades and send home log-in information for Snapgrades.
Home Nugget #7
Assigned on Friday September 21, 2009
Due on Monday September 24, 2009
From SAT sheet pages 41 and 42
page 41 # 13 - 18
page 42 # 1 - 7
2 points: all problems completed
2 points: evidence provided for all solutions