O.k., so the title is a little out of hand. But I think we should all allow ourselves the excitement.
Today I asked students what they want out of the course in this final term and the response was lukewarm in general. It is worth giving some thought to the idea that if you are uncertain about your goals and aspirations, it will be awfully difficult to derive anything meaningful from the course.
From my perspective, here are some of the things I am striving for:
1. Looking at multi-step and multi-layer problems that more closely resemble real-life situations and allow us to see real math applications.
2. Use this time to cast a look back at all the "big" themes from this year and be able to say with confidence that we have mastered these ideas and are ready to develop them further in future courses. The outcome we want to avoid is to feel that the summer will wipe away the gains we have made since September.
3. Continue to approach class in an explorations-based manner where students always take the lead on figuring things out and are then able to take ownership of material first-hand.
4. Stay committed to making good use of class and home time to practice note-taking, home nugget completing and reflection skills.
Be reminded that on the posting for Friday May 1, 2009 I specifically detail the home nugget conditions for the fifth term. Be mindful of these terms in the coming days.
Home Nugget #2 of the Fifth Term
Assigned on Monday May 4, 2009
Due on Tuesday May 5, 2009
In Algebra I text,
Page 521
Numbers 3 - 6, 9, 14 - 18, 21 - 24
SPECIAL FCAS!!! You need an analysis tonight!
2 points: all problems completed in their entirety. Your effort at the end of the lesson is as evident as at the start.
1 point: evidence/explanations for your thought/solution process is provided for ALL pertinent problems.
1 point: bulleted analysis of the content/skills/ideas being illustrated by the lesson