Friday, May 1, 2009

Entering the Fifth and Final Marking Term of the School Year - Coping with Exponential Growth and Decay Functions

Among the proposed assessment changes in the 5th term is the notion that I will no longer consistently collect home nuggets. A significant number of students have misinterpreted this to mean that home nuggets are no longer relevant. Let me clarify again and add a stipulation.

In the 5th marking period, I will GENERALLY ask for a show of hands of those students who assert that they have completed their home nuggets according to the FCAs and would be confident in assuming they earn at least a 3. These students will automatically earn a 4 for that lesson.

HOWEVER, given that some students are still not convinced of the enormous value of completing lessons consistently and meaningfully, I will randomly collect lessons periodically to see first-hand whether lessons are being completed in actuality. Students who are found to have falsely claimed home nugget completion will suffer a three lesson penalty of three zeros.

The take-home message is: DO ALL HOME NUGGETS IN THEIR ENTIRETY. They are simply the best way to understand and improve on the content. You will be a better student and mathematician for the experience.

Home Nugget #1 of the 5th Term
Assigned on Friday May 1 , 2009
Due on Monday May 4, 2009

Finish ALL questions on the most recent MCAS packet. You should include all work and answers right on the papers. This will be our study guide for tackling specific content next week in anticipation of the actual exam.


In Algebra I text,

Page 519 # 37 - 40
Page 520 # 41 - 51

2 points: all problems completed in their entirety. Your effort at the end of the lesson is as evident as at the start.
2 points: evidence/explanations for your thought/solution process is provided for ALL pertinent problems.