Monday, May 3, 2010

Beginning the Year-End Review Process

While we still have our sights set on two immediate objectives:

1. The Math MCAS scheduled for May 13th and 14th.
2. Our ongoing work with radical expressions and equations which are enormously relevant in all disciplines of science and applied mathematics.

We are also mindful that the year-end final exam looms ahead in June and that the final exam grade has the weight of a marking term. Given this circumstance, students are in need of sustained, continuous opportunities to prepare for these summative exams.

Tonight's home nugget initiates those lessons and will extend into June, right up into the final exam time period.

Home Nugget #28
Assigned on Monday May 3, 2010
Due on Tuesday May 4, 2010

In Algebra I text,
Page 744 # 1 - 14

This nugget will count as a 10-point quiz based on 5 questions that will be chosen and graded at random.