Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pushing the Envelope on Probability by Working Independently Through Lesson 12-4

Home Nugget #8 of the 5th Term
Assigned on Wednesday May 20, 2009
Due on Tuesday May 26, 2009
(The assignment by necessity had to be long term because of the Science MCAS that students were taking on Thursday and Friday and the schedule changes caused by it)


Read through pages 663 - 666 (Lesson 12 - 4)

Solve problems 1 - 37 on pages 667 and 668.

Note to students: this idea of conducting independent study on a topic has been a recurring theme this year and it has been my hope that you see the value of not just completing a lesson for the sake of 'getting it done' but rather for deriving something meaningful from it. This lesson in particular places a heavy emphasis on probability and forces you to reason through different scenarios before deciding on a problem-solving plan of action. How appropriate that this is one of our last topics of study this year given that we have committed so much time to identifying patterns and predicting future outcomes. Come to class on Tuesday having genuinely spent time trying to understand the themes and topics presented so that we can engage in a true conversation where students volunteer their interpretations and conclusions.

6 points: all problems completed in their entirety. Your effort at the end of the lesson is as evident as at the start.
6 points: evidence/explanations for your thought/solution process is provided for ALL pertinent problems.