Monday, October 6, 2008

Ratios and Proportions

Students are reminded that whenever a class involves taking a set of Cornell Notes, (which is essentially 90% of the time) part of each day's home nugget is to re-examine, reflect on and refine these notes. This means actually fine-tuning the notes by adding in thoughts you may not have had time to include in class, identifying key terms and ideas that originate in the class notes and writing a reflection/summary that really captures the essence of what that particular day's theme was.

The main idea here is not to coerce students into taking copious random notes which simply end up as clutter in a binder. Rather, we are working on organizational abilities and the skill of using notes to reinforce learning in a long-term way.

Home Nugget #19
Assigned on Monday October 6, 2008
Due on Wednesday October 8, 2008

In Algebra 1 text
Page 109 # 12 - 14, 18 - 23, 27 - 34

From double-sided practice sheet for section 2- 6 all problems on both sides
(Word Problem Practice and Enrichment)

3 points: evidence of work/reasoning provided for ALL pertinent problems
1 point: all problems completed