Monday, September 15, 2008

Accessing Prior Knowledge - Is the Distributive Property Part of Your Repertoire?

Having spent a number of days exploring, discussing and making use of math properties, we are continuing this line of reasoning to ask, "what other properties do we already use in evaluating expressions?"

A trip down recent memory lane reveals:

Identity Properties
As a class, we have practiced the additive and multiplicative identities (0 and 1 respectively), we have reasoned the usefulness of both the additive and multiplicative inverses (which yield 0 and 1 respectively) and discussed the logic behind the multiplicative property of 0 (where 0 transforms all willing factors to a product of 0).

Equality Properties
Students took the lead in deciphering and perhaps more importantly, distinguishing among these properties, which at times, can appear to be interchangeable. We will continue to see the Reflexive, Symmetric, Transitive and Substitution Properties in action throughout the school year.

Tonight's home nugget poses two unique challenges.

  • The first is that it asks students to now take the role for accurately deciding which problems require evidence or explanations. The idea being that any time a question involves some level of computation or reasoning, it is imperative to demonstrate this in writing.
  • The second is that students are asked to explore two properties on their own and come to class with a modicum of preparation based on their independent reading. At this level of our math studies, students are expected to conduct these kinds of inquiries and to take more direct ownership for their level of competency.

Home Nugget #6
Assigned on Monday September 15, 2008
Due on Tuesday September 16, 2008

From the Algebra 1 textbook.
Page 32 # 1 - 12, # 15 - 17 and # 18 - 22
Then read pages 33 - 35 and be prepared to answer questions about the Commutative and Associative Properties in class tomorrow.

1 point: all problems attempted
1 point: a random problem will be checked for accuracy and justification
2 points: evidence of work or reasoning is shown for all pertinent problems