Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Weaving in Strategic MCAS Prep Over the Next Few Weeks

Today's class was our first formal venture into thinking about strategies for preparing for the math MCAS in May and actually involved our trying out a number of questions from the first strand on our agenda: that of number sense and operations.

Tonight's home nugget addresses a portion of the math MCAS that counts for 40% of the exam grade, the open-response questions. Students have two multi-part questions to respond to this evening and it will quickly become apparent to them that while the math is far from challenging, much attention has to be paid to providing evidence/explanations for their solutions.

Home Nugget #8
Assigned on Tuesday March 16, 2010
Due on Thursday March 18, 2010 (no school tomorrow)

From double-sided sheet;

2006 8th grade MCAS question 9

2008 8th grade MCAS question 22

All work, evidence and solutions should be clearly presented on a separate sheet(s) of paper.