Home Nugget #30
Assigned on Thursday October 22, 2009
Due on Monday October 26, 2009 (Since I will be out on Friday)
In Algebra I book,
Page 125 # 1 - 7
Page 126 # 8 - 12
2 points: all problems completed
2 points: evidence provided for all solutions
Students know precisely what to do in class on Friday. Directions were provided in class Thursday and also posted on the board. The substitute teacher was also provided with the same.
Here's what was provided to students:
A. Sheet labeled "Chapter 2 Test, Form 2C." Solve all problems and show all work on a separate sheet of paper. THIS WILL BE COLLECTED ON MONDAY 10/26.
B. Some of you may want to continue working on home nugget #30 (posted above) WHICH WILL BE COLLECTED ON MONDAY 10/26.
C. You can work on your guide to chapter 2 which is due on THURSDAY OCTOBER 29.
D. Everyone seems to need time to work on their class notes, in particular, the key terms/ideas. When will I collect notes? WHO KNOWS? (that's why you should work on them daily!)