In looking over quiz #1 and home nugget #1 which were handed in Friday Sept, 11, a number of items have come to my attention. I would ask that you are mindful of the following as you work on your home nugget this weekend.
1. You must have a complete heading in the order required:
Full Name, homeroom number, chapter from which the lesson is taken, home nugget number and due date.
Issues like illegible handwriting or poor use of space also fall into the category of a format issue. Remember to create a format and presentation that allows the reader to focus on content.
2. You cannot leave questions blank. Period. You must attempt all questions.
3. Your solutions must be accompanied with evidence of your math work, and when required, a written explanation that makes sense.
Here's this weekend's home nugget:
Home Nugget #2
Assigned on Friday September 11, 2009
Due on Monday September 14, 2009
A. Have required class materials as prescribed on your syllabus.
B. Answer questions 9 - 16 from the SAT sheet (p. 36) and include written explanation for #9, 12, 15.
2 points: you have all materials
2 points: all problems are solved and explained where required