Home Nugget #7 of the 5th Term
Assigned on Monday May 18, 2009
Due on Wednesday May 20, 2009
In your Algebra I textbook, the following problems will help you become re-acquainted with content from the first three lessons.
Page 742
Lesson 12 - 1 # 1 - 4
Lesson 12 - 2 # 1 - 4
Lesson 12 - 3 # 1 - 5
ALSO I xeroxed and distributed a sheet on Monday that includes further practice problems. At the bottom of the sheet it reads pages 574 and 575. You are to solve ALL problems EXCEPT for #7, 9, and 11.
2 points: all problems completed in their entirety. Your effort at the end of the lesson is as evident as at the start.
2 points: evidence/explanations for your thought/solution process is provided for ALL pertinent problems.