Assigned on Friday October 24, 2008
Due on Monday October 27, 2008
From two double-sided sheets provided in class, all problems that are checked off. (Virtually all problems with the exception of a handful.) This is an opportunity to rethink and perhaps re-evaluate your approach to the topics covered in lessons 2-7, 2-8 and 2-9. [specifically, percent change, solving for a specific variable and weighted averages]
Students are also strongly encouraged to look over the test they got back today and determine both where they are proficient and areas that need further attention. Cornell notes are invaluable in helping to sort out concepts.
While the results of our last assessment were initially discouraging, there were many factors at play that we can address immediately:
1. Students need to bring their own graphing calculators (minimizes computational errors that are unrelated to conceptual understanding)
2. Students should rethink their approach to rounding off and to converting between percents and decimal notations.
3. Students should not expect that all problems will be carbon-copies of problems we solve in class, rather that we develop problem-solving skills in class that they can then use to deal with novel situations.