Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Day of School - A Wave of Critical Information to Absorb

Welcome 8th graders to your 2008-2009 math class and school year!

This web log will serve as one means of communication so that we may focus on our challenge of engaging with and mastering the Algebra 1 curriculum. Given your background in our middle school, you will likely find many of the concepts we encounter to be familiar and will discover that our unique challenge this year is to prepare for studies in higher-level mathematics that demand a comprehensive Algebra background.

In addition to posting homework lessons on this blog (known as home nuggets in our class), I will also periodically post messages regarding class issues and topics and relevant web links that may prove useful in better understanding content.

The first two days of school (Thurs Sept 8 and Fri Sept 9) will be dedicated to presenting and coming to terms with class procedures and expectations. It is unrealistic to begin our math explorations without first laying some groundwork for how the class works and what your specific role is in making it successful. To this end, students will be provided with a significant amount of paperwork, detailing class particulars. The following links are online versions of the documents provided in class.

Document detailing materials needed for class, class rules, grading policy and web resources

Document detailing math binder setup

Document detailing home Nugget setup and concept

Document asking for parent/student information

It is recommended that students and their families review these documents as a family such that all expectations are clear at the outset of the course.

Next week students will be provided with printed direction sheets on how to log in to an online grading program, that will be used to keep families updated on student academic progress throughout the year.

The first two home nuggets of the year are due on Monday September 8 and are posted below along with their grading criteria known as Focus Correction Areas (FCAs). The vast majority of home nuggets are worth 4 points and the FCAs specify how the student can earn the points available.

Home Nugget #1
Assigned Thursday September 4, 2008
Due Monday September 8, 2008

Student must have obtained and set up math binder according to directions provided in class
(2 points)
Student must return completed general info sheet (2 points)

Home Nugget #2
Assigned Thursday September 4, 2008
Due Monday September 8, 2008
Algebra 1 Course Sampler Sheets (20 multiple-choice and open-response problems)

1 point: all problems attempted
1 point: all work is completed on separate sheets with proper format
2 points: evidence/explanations provided for all problems

I welcome thoughts, suggestions and concerns at and encourage families to be as engaged as possible to guarantee a productive school year.

Mr. Hodjat