Our study of math properties, namely identity and equality properties, raises ideas that are integral to our class goals.
The first is that we are actively striving to augment what is known as our "working math vocabulary." Put plainly, we seek to avoid the meaningless and temporary acquisition of math terms in favor of defining concepts for ourselves and using them with frequency in the context of our math arguments and conversations. For instance, students were challenged today to evaluate algebraic expressions and identify the math property used at each stage. The activity requires the student to fully grasp the meaning of each property and then recognize its use in context.
The second idea brought up as a result of our investigation of properties is the idea of spiraling themes. This is to say that the concepts we encounter early in the year will continue to appear throughout our explorations, allowing us to engage with them from a number of perspectives throughout the year.
Home Nugget #5
Assigned on Thursday September 11, 2008
Due on Monday September 15, 2008
From Algebra 1 textbook
Page 25 #36 - 38 and #40, 41
Page 61 #8 - 17 and #18 - 26
Page 62 #27 - 42
1 pt: all problems attempted
1 pt: proper format and a presentation that reveals quality effort was invested in the lesson
2 pts: all problems in red above are accompanied by either evidence of work or explanations